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Back to work

The relaxing time is over, and I’ve suddenly got a couple of fairly prestigious deadlines looming up. One concerns a Musée de Vitrail (Stained Glass Museum) and the other an old Benedictine Abbey. The good news as far as I am concerned is that both are run by French – which means that I may be being taken seriously in a country that views a lot of English as a species that should be viewed with suspicion! However, the bad news is that I have to suddenly start producing a lot of glass within the next month to fulfill their requirements. I am very easily distracted, and so I’m taking some time management tips from Grace Marshall, which starts with switching off the tv! I have a lot of tasks stacking up – not least of which is to get my website up and running. In the meantime everyone is predicting a hot summer – the cranes (les grues) flew over yesterday – some five weeks earlier than normal. Luckily I had my phone to hand.


Keep Calm

It was inevitable really – but I couldn’t resist this:


Looking Ahead

I have to confess – without actually coming out and saying ‘Bah! Humbug!’ there is a little bit inside that is actually quite pleased that Christmas is over for another year.

I had an amazingly busy time – quite unexpectedly with an influx (well, what can be described as an inlux for this part of the world) – of visitors to my studio and other customers and I am extremely grateful to all the people who bought my glass.

Now I’m ready to get back into the studio – and one of the first jobs will be to clear away Christmas stock and tidy up the work spaces. If I’m feeling brave I might even post a ‘before and after’ photograph. As an added incentive I might leave unpacking the three ‘Christmas glass hampers’ that arrived just before Christmas from Warm Glass in the UK as a sort of incentive/reward for getting it done.

Next stop: resolutions!


Christmas Ornament

Christmas Ornament

A hand made fused glass ornament for the tree from Belle Fusion – these have been incredibly popular.